If you need a class that’s already full, 如果有空缺,你可能会被列入候补名单. 等候名单是一种新的选择,可以让你通过电子方式排队获得一个完整班级的座位.
等候名单是一个过程,允许你在一个完整的班级里排队等待一个座位. 在候补名单上并不能保证你能注册这门课, 但它确实允许你等待一个座位,而不必经常检查课程安排的状态. Notification for an open seat will be sent to your official 阿拉莫大学 email. You will only have 24 hours to respond, 所以,如果你已经进入了课程候补名单,每天检查你的电子邮件是很重要的.
No. If you receive an email notification when a seat becomes available, you will have to login to ace to register before the 24 hour deadline.
Can an instructor add me to a waitlist?
No. Only you can add yourself to a waitlist. If you need assistance, contact your advisor or the department.
When will waitlisting be offered, and what classes will have a waitlist?
Open - ## Waitlisted | Closed - ## Waitlisted
Any seats that become available will be offered to students on the waitlist. The ## shows the number of students on the waitlist.
Open Waitlist Filled | Closed Waitlist Full
班级和候补名单都满了. Any seats that become available will be offered to students on the waitlist.
当您加入候补名单或从候补名单中注册课程时,您可能会遇到其他错误. Call Department 服务 for assistance.
当一个班级达到其最大入学容量时,就可以使用候补名单. 此时,如果您尝试注册该类,将遇到注册错误. Then you may choose to join the waitlist.
What is required to be eligible for a waitlist?
你必须完成课程的所有先决条件,并满足课程的任何限制,才能加入候补名单. 例如, if you successfully waitlisted a class, yet are not eligible to register for the class, 您将收到一个注册错误, even if you have been notified that a seat is available for you.
Will a time conflict prevent me from joining a waitlist?
不可以,但是如果时间冲突没有解决,你将无法注册这门课. Any expected registration errors should be taken care of ahead of time.
Go to the Student Detail Schedule in ace. For classes you have waitlisted, you will see a section for Waitlist Position.
The smaller the number, the 关闭r you are to the top of the waitlist.
If your number is 0, you have been notified that a seat is available. 通知过期部分有一个日期和时间,您必须注册接受座位.
If seven seats become available in a section, will seven notifications be sent to waitlisted students?
是的. 在一小时内,等待名单上的前七名学生将被告知可用的座位. If there are only six students on the waitlist, 所有六个人都得到通知, and seats are reserved for them for the 24-hour notification timeframe. The seventh seat will be available for another student, 谁不会遇到候补名单, and who will be able to immediately register.
The class has open/available seats, but I can’t I register. 为什么我不能在候补名单上?
候补名单可能已经满了. Try another section or try again later.
The class may not have a waitlist available.
You may not meet the requirements to be added to the waitlist. Check with your advisor to make sure you are eligible to take the class.
If I join a waitlist, am I registered for the class?
No. Being on a waitlist does not guarantee registration. 通过加入班级候补名单, you may be offered a seat in a class if one becomes available, but waitlisting does not guarantee a seat.
How am I notified if I am eligible for an available seat in the class?
You will be notified via your 阿拉莫大学 email. Make sure to check your email and junk email daily.
- 登入ace
- 进入注册页面
- Select **Web Registered** from the ACTION Drop Down box for the selected class
- 单击提交
- 页面刷新后, 验证类现在显示为**Web注册**在您的当前时间表上,没有出现注册错误.
What is the deadline for moving off a waitlist and registering for a class?
You have 24 hours to register after you are notified. Your email notification will specify when your time to register will expire. 如果你没有在这段时间内注册,你将被从候补名单中删除. 你将需要再次将自己添加到等待名单中,在那里你将位于名单的底部.
What if I receive notification that I have a seat in the class, but the class is 关闭d when I attempt to register, 否则我就错过了注册的时间?
- Sign up on the waitlist again; however, you will start at the bottom of the waitlist.
- Check for open seats in the class during late registration.
- See the department about adding the class.
- 查看课程安排或询问你的指导老师关于其他课程选择或替代时间表.
I was waitlisted for a class, and now it’s not on my schedule. 发生了什么事?
如果在注册期间发生这种情况, 最有可能的是,你收到了可以注册的电子邮件通知,但没有在截止日期前注册. Remember, waitlisting is NOT an automatic process. 如果“注册管理”已启动, 等候名单已结束, and all students still on a waitlist have been dropped from the waitlist.
我可以在多个候补名单上吗? 不同的班级? For different sections of the same class?
是的. You can be on more than one waitlist for different classes.
No. 你不能注册了一个课程,然后在同一课程的不同部分排队.
No. You cannot be waitlisted for multiple sections of the same class.
If I am on a waitlist for a class, does it show up on my schedule?
是的. The class will be on your schedule with a registration status of “Waitlist.” A waitlist status does NOT mean you are registered for the class.
你可以看到你的候补名单的课程和你的位置在每一个候补名单上. You will not be charged for the class until you are officially registered.
如果您没有在截止日期前注册,那么等待列表中的课程将从ace的“添加/退出课程”和“详细课程时间表”页面中删除. 该课程可能会在您的注册记录中显示最多一小时,在您的通知到期后.
Do waitlisted classes count towards my full-time enrollment status?
No. Waitlisted classes do not count toward any hours attempted, 登记, or earned UNTIL you officially register for the class.
What if I am no longer interested in being on a waitlist?
Remove your name from the waitlist so that others can add theirs. 把自己从候补名单上除名, 登录ace, 进入您的注册页面, select “DROP” from the ACTION drop-down menu for the waitlisted class, 点击“提交”.”
Do I pay tuition and fees for a waitlisted class?
学费和杂费将在您实际注册课程后进行评估. Waitlisted classes do not count as attempted, 登记, 在您正式注册课程之前,您的注册状态或赚取的小时数.