澳门新葡京博彩地区市场 Mall offers a secure way for departments and organizations to generate revenue by collecting online and point of sales payments on products, 非学术课程, 活动和会议. 市场 is available to all faculty and staff and for student functions and organizations. |
市场 is the e-commerce solution for 澳门新葡京博彩区 departments and organizations. 这安全, 在线电子商务环境帮助大学实现自动化, 管理, 确保支付和商业交易的安全. 市场 is fully integrated with our Banner system and can feed transactions directly to each individual department's revenue account in Banner. |
参观市集商场 |
市场购物中心的好处 |
可定制的市场 supports a wide variety of online and point sales commerce activities across all colleges from tickets, 事件, 继续教育课程和筹款商品. 每个网站都是为满足每个部门或组织的需求而设计的. |
系统集中方便报告可以在线、按需查看,适用于所有商店和付款. |
合规付款处理市场 provides secure PA-DSS compliant payment processing for any web-based application, 将全校范围内的支付集中到一个, 认证付款申请. TouchNet is fully certified with the latest cardholder 信息安全 standards, including both the Payment Applications Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). All components of TouchNet UCommerce have been certified as PA-DSS compliant. Any store/product setups must meet 澳门新葡京博彩区 policies when utilizing 市场, 包括但不限于, 有关财务管理的政策, 信息安全, 隐私和学生数据的收集. |
如果你想开店, 事件或产品, email the Assistant Bursar at your college to set up an initial consultation meeting. 在一起, you will discuss how 市场 can help your department or organization create/develop a marketplace site/产品或事件.
- SAC -米歇尔·盖博, mgable2@investment-educator.com
- SPC - Sofia Zavala, sgonzalez117@investment-educator.com
- PAC - Lisa Bahre, lbahre@investment-educator.com
- NVC -帕蒂·桑切斯, psanchez70@investment-educator.com
- NLC - Teresa Walters, tfreeman@investment-educator.com
- DSO -爱德华·桑切斯 esanchez61@investment-educator.com
You will be required to complete the 市场 store setup form and complete all sections and fields required to process your request. 财务助理会把表格用电子邮件发给你. Once we receive and approve the form, please allow a minimum of two weeks to complete your request. 除了, 任何指南或说明将通过电子邮件发送给您一旦商店, 产品或事件已设置好.
如果您的部门或组织对市场购物中心有疑问, please contact the Assistant Bursar at your 大学 业务办公室 or the Bursar at the 区 业务办公室.
大多数商店和产品将由助理会计设立. The only training necessary will be a short walkthrough of your store once it is ready to go live.
助理会计将示范如何浏览/下载报告, 完成订单, 定位订单和基本导航. 电子材料也可以帮助你进行这些活动. 请与你所在学院的财务助理联系.
是的, occasionally the TouchNet application will be down for upgrades or 澳门新葡京博彩区 year-end processing. 当停机时间安排时,您将收到通知.
我们目前有两种主要的付款方式. 我们通过市场购物中心进行在线支付.
第二个选择是使用销售点信用卡设备(POS). 这些都是信用卡的现场交易流程. 除了, we are only allowing stores to accept Credit/Debit cards branded with the 4 major credit card companies; Visa, 万事达卡, 发现, 和美国运通.
Stores may be given the option to offer payment by electronic check (ACH) under certain circumstances.
请与您所在学院的商务办公室助理财务主管联系. 请指定谁需要访问权限来查看/下载报告.
如果你的部门愿意接受捐赠, 请联系澳门新葡京博彩基础部.
付款退款由区商务处财务主管处理. Please email the 区 业务办公室 Bursar with the order number and the amount of the refund requested.
如果你的网站遇到问题, 产品或事件, 联系你所在学院的财务助理.
大多数商店可以在两周内建立起来. Various factors will determine how quickly your new store, 事件或产品 can be set up. 影响商店设置的最常见因素包括:
- 市场 Manager's workload (August, January and June will result in slower set up times)
- 产品/店铺设计的复杂性
- Availability of the departments and organizations to communicate with the Assistant Bursar and provide product details and feedback about the store during setup and testing
是的! 澳门新葡京博彩区受规则约束, regulations and contractual provisions regarding the handling of payment cards and cardholder data as defined by PCI/Data Security Standards (PCI/DSS). 市场 is one of the tools we are currently using to ensure that we uphold these standards. 有关PCI安全标准的更多信息,请访问 官方PCI安全标准委员会网站.
- 测试费用
- 活动门票
- 会议注册/付款
- 营地
- 研讨会
- 应用程序费用/存款
- 发票付款
- t恤的销售
- 会员资格
- 数码产品