The 学生资助办公室 underst和s that there are many personal 和 financial circumstances that impact a student's eligibility 和 need for financial aid. 通过对你独特情况的书面审查, our office may be able to adjust your financial information to reflect your current situation more accurately.
请注意,所有请求都将根据具体情况进行评估, 虽然不能保证你的经济援助会发生变化, 我们鼓励学生询问和申请. 以下是我们评估的内容:
- Changes in financial circumstances that differ from what was reported on your TASFA or FAFSA.
- 不包括在你当前的特殊或高成本 预计出勤费用.
- Personal circumstances in the family that would make a dependent student, independent.
- Personal circumstances in the family that have caused the student to become Homeless (or at-risk).
- Personal circumstances in the family that result in a parent not completing the FAFSA 和 no longer providing financial support.
- 联系 学生资助办公室.
- 通过ace提交审核申请表和所有证明文件.
- A 金融援助 Advisor will determine if an adjustment is supported by the documentation 和 communicate the outcome to the student.
这些是指支持调整学生EFC的经济状况, 赛, 或出席费用.
An Income Reduction adjustment is a request by a student to consider the unique situations that have decreased the income for themselves 和/or their household.
- 失业或收入减少
- 失业或补偿金的损失
- 分居或离婚
- 父母或配偶死亡
- 父母或配偶残疾
- 本学年不寻常的医疗、牙科、视力费用
请注意:如果一个学生已经有最低的可能 预期家庭贡献(EFC)或学生资助指数(赛), 没有任何调整可以增加他们的经济援助.
A Cost of Attendance (COA) adjustment is a request by a student to consider additional expenses they are experiencing that are not being included in their current 估计我看.
- 教育费用高于预估COA
- 住房和食品费用高于估计COA
- Transportation expenses above 估计我看 (uninsured repairs or round-trip milage over 150 miles/week)
- 电脑购买费用(作为Alamo学生只考虑一次)
- 本学年不寻常的医疗、牙科、视力费用
- Childcare or private school expenses for dependents during the current academic year
- 专业执照/证书或认证费用
These refer to adverse conditions in a student's household that support adjusting the student's dependency status.
A 依赖项重写 is a request by a student to be considered "Independent" rather than "Dependent" as their FAFSA or TASFA originally determined.
- 与父母的关系受到虐待
- 父母遗弃或没有联系
- 父母的监禁
- 人口贩卖、难民或避难者身份
- 父母拒绝在经济上支持他们
- 家长拒绝填写他们的FAFSA或TASFA信息
- 家长没有将学生作为受抚养人包括在他们的税收中
- 独立生活或只养活自己的学生
These are all other unique situations that support processing your FAFSA without parent information. 提供的联邦财政援助的类型会有所不同.
An Unaccompanied 流浪青年的决心 is a notification from the student of their homeless or at-risk of homelessness living situation. The required documentation will verify their independent status reported on the FAFSA.
- A letter has been provided to the student by a homeless liasion of a local educational agency designated by the McKinney Vento Homelessness Assistance Act;
- A letter has been provided to the student by a director of an emergency or transitional shelter, 街道外展计划, 无家可归的青少年收容中心, 或者其他为无家可归者服务的项目;
- A letter has been provided to the student by a director of a Federal TRIO program or a Gaining Early Awareness 和 Readiness for Undergraduate program (GEAR UP); or
- A letter has been provided to the student by a Financial aid official at another college who documented your circumstance this year or in the prior award year.
当无法获得上述官员的正式信函时, a documented interview with the 学生资助办公室 is offered so your situation may be reviewed. 在联系之前需要更多的指导,请查看这个有用的 提示单.
家长拒绝表格是学生发出的通知 和 parent that all parental financial support has ended 和 that they will not fill out the parent section of the FAFSA.
- Our office accepts this form as a self-certification 和 will process only the student section of the FAFSA.
- 结果是学生现在可以 申请联邦无补贴贷款 以帮助支付他们的费用.
- 除了这笔贷款外,学生没有资格获得任何其他援助.
请求必须在…之前提交和处理 这学期的最后一天 你在一个学年内注册的课程.
请注意: August 和 January are the busiest months in the 学生资助办公室, 和 we 不能保证 学期开始前的复习. Additionally, submissions during Alamo's winter break will not be reviewed until Spring.