申请基金奖学金2024 - 2025奖学金申请即将开始!奖学金申请将于1月份开始, for Fall 2024, Spring 2025, 和/或2025年夏季奖. Application Opens: January 15, 2024Application Closes: May 15, 2024 Other scholarships may become available, each with its own requirements and deadlines. 我们鼓励您查看奖学金列表 here 整个学年. Students must be admitted or enrolled at the Alamo Colleges to have an ACES email, 创建账户和申请奖学金需要哪些条件. 奖学金资格是基于各种因素,如学术成绩, program of study, community service, 课外活动, residency, campus/club organization, and/or financial need. 基金会奖学金的颁发和管理不考虑种族, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. 所有学生都可以申请奖学金. |
Scholarship FAQs
Students may submit one General Scholarship Application each academic year to be considered for all 澳门新葡京博彩基金会 scholarships. If you are a previous applicant or want to be considered for scholarship renewal, 你必须再次申请2024-2025学年资助. Students that submit a scholarship application successfully will receive a confirmation email to their student.investment-educator.com email. 请注意,提交申请并不保证获得奖励.
有择优和择优的机会. Students who wish to compete for need-based scholarships must submit the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.studentaid.gov to qualify.
2024-2025年的申请现已关闭. Additional open dates may 成为可用的,并将在这里和奖学金门户网站上列出.
Specific scholarship opportunities that open AFTER the deadline will be listed on the scholarship application portal as they become available.
增加获得奖学金的可能性, 学生应在截止日期前提交填妥的申请表. Students are matched with eligible award opportunities throughout the entire academic year. Recipients will be notified through their ACES email and will have two weeks to accept their award.
Students submit ONE general application to be considered for multiple “auto match” 澳门新葡京博彩基金会 scholarships during the current scholarship application cycle.
Some academic programs also offer departmental scholarships that require you to complete a separate scholarship application. Please inquire about these scholarships with the academic department handling your major/plan of study.
虽然很多奖学金要求2分.5 or greater grade point average, there are also several scholarships that require a 2.0 GPA or greater.
大多数奖学金要求你是全日制学生(12学时或以上)。. Some scholarships, however, require a minimum of only 6 credit hours (part time).
Yes. The Alamo Colleges District recognizes developmental coursework in consideration toward enrollment hours. 参考你申请的奖学金标准.
If it states that developmental courses are not allowed in the requirements of a particular scholarship, then you would not be considered in that pool of applicants; however, the majority of Foundation scholarship opportunities allow developmental courses.
Please refer to www.irs.gov 有关个人财务及税务的详细资料.
澳门新葡京博彩基金会提供许多不同的奖学金. It is important that you fully complete the application to allow us to consider you for every scholarship for which you may be eligible.
一些奖学金需要额外的文件,如推荐信, or an additional essay. Someone from the scholarships team or from the relevant college department will contact you to submit these documents if you are considered for such scholarships.
Scholarship judges or scholarship selection committees review and score scholarship applications. Judges/committee members are composed of faculty, staff, and/or community representatives.
每个申请人的平均绩点都有评分, academic plans, 课外活动, leadership skills, 参与社区活动, 以及对论文问题的回答.
选择是基于申请人满足最低奖学金标准, 以及奖学金评委/评选委员会给出的分数.
基金会奖学金的颁发和管理不考虑种族, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. 所有学生都可以申请奖学金
*如果您不是当前在读的学生, 希望能参与我们的评审过程, please visit 奖学金评审|澳门新葡京博彩.
Scholarship reviews begin after the Application Deadline and continue 整个学年. 如果你被选中获得奖学金,你将收到电子邮件通知.
有一些奖学金是可以续期的,这取决于捐赠者的意愿. These scholarships are renewed on a semester-by-semester basis as long as the recipient maintains 奖学金标准和要求.
在最初裁决时, 如果您获得的奖学金可以续期,您将收到通知.
澳门新葡京博彩基金会 reserves the right to cancel any scholarship at any time if the recipient fails to meet the standards of academic progress, 奖学金标准和要求, 或者被举报或认定有伪造信息的.
在某些情况下,如果奖学金续期被拒绝, 你可以根据GPA和/或学分不足申请上诉, 或者你放弃了一门课程, 并要求破例还款. 请填写奖学金申请表格.
Scholarship Essays
The scholarship application has several short essay questions giving you an opportunity to introduce yourself and discuss your educational, career and life goals.
Scholarship application essays are reviewed by scholarship judges and selection committees. In addition to GPA, volunteerism, leadership, community service, military service, employment, 还有课外活动, your essay should set you apart and let scholarship judges and committee members know why they should rate your application above all the other applicants.
奖学金论文是申请中最重要的部分之一. 论文由奖学金评委和评选委员会审查. Your essay should set you apart by showing letting scholarship judges and committee members know why they should rate your application above all the other applicants.
作文是根据内容和语法评分的. 在提交之前一定要校对.
响应以下两个提示. Please use full sentences and proofread your responses for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 回答必须在200到500字之间.
作文一:不包括你的名字,告诉我们你自己. This is your opportunity to provide information about who you are and what you do.
- 你在哪里出生,现在住在哪里?
- How would you describe yourself as a person: strengths, weaknesses, and lessons learned in life?
- 你参加了什么活动,比如就业, family commitments, military service, community service, organizations, hobbies, 和/或课外活动?
- 你的个人和职业目标是什么?
- What do you consider some of your personal, professional and/or academic achievements?
Essay Two: Tell us why you are pursuing a higher education at Alamo Colleges and how a scholarship would impact you. This is your opportunity to explain your academic goals and how a scholarship would directly affect reaching that goal.
- 你为什么选择在澳门新葡京博彩继续你的教育?
- 获得奖学金对你来说意味着什么?
- What are your academic, educational, career, financial, 和/或个人目标,以及奖学金将如何帮助你?
- 描述你正在学习的内容和原因?
- 获得奖学金会为你解决什么具体问题吗?
- 奖学金最能帮上什么忙啊?
百事可乐基金会提升奖学金Launched in March 2021, this $40 million program supports incoming community college students and graduating students transitioning to four-year colleges. The program aims to address the historical barriers that often make it challenging for students to enroll, persist, 从大学毕业. |
San Antonio College 1819 N. Main Avenue
St. 菲利普学院西南校区 800 Quintana Road |
Palo Alto College 1400 W. Villaret Blvd. |
Northwest Vista College 3535 N. Ellison Dr. |
东北湖景学院 1201 Kitty Hawk Rd.
澳门新葡京博彩基金会 2222 N. Alamo St. |