Difficult situations can get in the way of academic success. 经过培训并持有执照的员工免费提供, 短期, personal counseling services to currently enrolled students. The Counselors are available to listen to your concerns including anxiety, 抑郁症, 失去一段感情, 以及其他心理健康问题.
寻找学术顾问的信息? 参观 学术顾问 页面.
Counselors Services staff will also refer students to community resources according to their individualized needs. Here are some important resources to consider if you need 信息 or assistance.
The 咨询服务 staff offers a wide range of professional counseling services provided by Masters-level counselors.
- 技能培训
- 短期个别辅导
- 药物滥用咨询
- 个人心理咨询
- 危机干预
- 社区资源
The 咨询服务 staff understands the important role faculty and staff play in the general well-being of students. We are pleased to provide several services in support of creating the best possible environment for our students:
Faculty and staff members are welcome to contact 咨询服务 if they notice concerning student behavior. Faculty and staff members are also encouraged to complete a 索比 report when they observe student behaviors that are disruptive, 暴力, or may require follow-up from Student Success personnel.
更多信息,请访问 行为干预策略(索比) 页面.
还记得: Contact the 阿拉莫大学 警察局 at 210-485-0911 if a student appears to be in immediate danger or appears to pose an immediate threat to others.
咨询服务 hosts mental health events and can arrange to present to your class or student group on a variety of topics including:
- 咨询服务概述
- 大学生的心理健康
- 性侵犯意识
- 健康的关系
咨询服务 provides training to faculty and staff groups on topics such as an overview of 咨询服务 and how to refer students to 咨询服务. Please consider training for your next department or division meeting!
注意: Benefits-eligible 澳门新葡京博彩区 employees can seek free and confidential counseling through the 员工援助计划. 24小时热线是1-866-327-2400.
St. 菲利普的大学 is committed to a healthy and safe learning environment for all students. Please click on the links below to learn more about the dangers of misusing drugs and alcohol, 还有校园政策, 信息, 预防, 以及寻求帮助的资源.
药物 and Alcohol Prevention Program Biennial Report
Currently enrolled SPC home-campus students can attend 短期 counseling.
咨询 services are available to faculty and staff who are concerned about a student. Benefits-eligible Alamo employees can seek free and confidential counseling through the 员工援助计划 (http://www.deeroaks.com/contact/) by calling the 24-hour helpline at 1-866-327-2400.
Students use counseling services for many different reasons. Here are some of the topics that have been discussed in previous sessions.
- 焦虑和恐慌发作
- 抑郁或情绪波动
- 约会或关系问题/冲突解决
- 过去或正在经历的创伤经历
- 学业成绩/职业探索
- 学校/工作/生活平衡
- 压力管理
- 获得自我意识
- 打电话给210-486-2333
- 给其中一位或两位辅导员发邮件
- 在上班时间过来
You will meet with a Master-degreed counselor for about 60 minutes. Towards the end of the session, you and the counselor will discuss your next steps.
Join Active Minds to advocate for a college campus where it is safe to talk about mental health. Gain valuable skills in the fields of social services and advocacy. Meet new people who are interested in making a difference. We will host interest meetings about this new student organization soon. 欲知详情,请浏览 阿拉莫.edu/spc/active-minds. |